March 17 news
I knew we would reach a day when all items are sold. That was today. Thanks to all of my loyal customers over the years. I wish it could continue, but I knew that one day I would need to retire. This website will still survive until April 10, 2025. Then it will disappear.
You can still reach me or my wife via email at or for another year. Linda and I will gladly reply to your messages. Those email addresses will eventually end about March 31, 2026. My long-term email of is also available now and for the next several years. So, that is the safest email to add to your address book for me. Other email aliases such as,, and will end April 10, 2025.
Please stay in touch.
You can still reach me or my wife via email at or for another year. Linda and I will gladly reply to your messages. Those email addresses will eventually end about March 31, 2026. My long-term email of is also available now and for the next several years. So, that is the safest email to add to your address book for me. Other email aliases such as,, and will end April 10, 2025.
Please stay in touch.
february 3 news
Things have been really quiet this past month. It's hard for me to get use to the change after 62 years of working. I got a couple of orders today and still have a couple of items to sell, if any of you are interested. Both items remaining are True Image Advanced with 500GB of Internet storage. These are the same version I recommend, only with 10 times more internet storage. I have 2 serial numbers that can be installed on 3 computers each with 500GB. These are at a great price for clearance. Get them now before they are gone. I also have 4 serial numbers for a single computer, or these could all be stacked on 1 computer for 4 years of support. These are at my great half price discount. Get them soon before they run out.
December 31 news
We are approaching the end of 2024 and the official end of my consulting firm -- User Group Relation. Since this website is paid until April 11, 2025, it will remain open and serve a few purposes until then. First, it will contain postings similar to this one to keep my followers aware of my current activities as my email newsletter will no longer be sent out. Second, I will arrange for a permanent email address my friends can use to contact us in the future. Until April 11, 2025 you can email us at and Third, while most of our Acronis inventory has been sold, a few excellent products remain. These are available to buy until we run out. All sales are final after today.
time is running out very SOON!!!
We are Gene and Linda Barlow, owners of the User Group Relations consulting firm that represents excellent Acronis products to the user group community. We focus mainly on PC and MAC user groups, but those not associated with a user group may also use our services and purchase our products at discount prices.
We want you to take advantage of these discounts, get to know our products by using them, and then share your experiences with your friends and family, so they will also want to use these excellent products. This grass roots marketing lets us offer you these products at discount prices.
I just enjoyed my 87th birthday in good health. As you may know, I experienced a stoke 4 years ago. I have recovered very well, but I still have symptoms that slow me down. I worked for IBM for 34 years, then worked as a consultant representing PowerQuest and Acronis the past 28 years. That's a career of over 62 years. I think that is enough and it is finally time for me to retire.
Since my website is paid to Apr. 11, 2024, I will continue it until then. That gives me only 3 months to offer our great discount prices on our remaining inventory. Now is an excellent time to save big on these excellent Acronis True Image products. Your best approach would be to stock up on these great products while you still can, then use them in the next few years. More ideas on how to do that in the following article.
We want you to take advantage of these discounts, get to know our products by using them, and then share your experiences with your friends and family, so they will also want to use these excellent products. This grass roots marketing lets us offer you these products at discount prices.
I just enjoyed my 87th birthday in good health. As you may know, I experienced a stoke 4 years ago. I have recovered very well, but I still have symptoms that slow me down. I worked for IBM for 34 years, then worked as a consultant representing PowerQuest and Acronis the past 28 years. That's a career of over 62 years. I think that is enough and it is finally time for me to retire.
Since my website is paid to Apr. 11, 2024, I will continue it until then. That gives me only 3 months to offer our great discount prices on our remaining inventory. Now is an excellent time to save big on these excellent Acronis True Image products. Your best approach would be to stock up on these great products while you still can, then use them in the next few years. More ideas on how to do that in the following article.
My recomendation for the best true image product to purchase (providing most features / low price !!! )

I recommend that you purchase 5 licenses / 5 serial# of Acronis True Image Advanced w/50GB at the bargain price of only $57. Do this for each computer you want to protect. If you follow my instructions, that will give you 5 years of the best backup and internet protection available on all of the computers you own. These 5 years are fully supported with free upgrades to any new releases in the next 5 years. If 5 years is longer than you want to commit to, go for 3 years instead. In fact, you can protect each of your computers any number of years you want. The choice is yours. Your computers deserve outstanding protection, which they will get this way. (Read complete article.)